Maria von Ilosvay

Maria von Ilosvay
HUMPERDINCK Hänsel und Gretel
Studio recordings, 1953 & 1955
Total duration: 2hr 20:24
Hänsel - Elisabeth Grümmer
Gretel - Elisabeth Schwarzkopf
Mother - Maria Von Ilosvay
Father - Josef Metternich
Witch - Else Schürhoff
Philharmonia Orchestra
Choirs of Loughton High School For Girls and Bancroft’s School
Conducted by Herbert Von Karajan
Elisabeth Grümmer, soprano
Erna Berger, soprano
Erika Köth, soprano
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
conducted by Wilhelm Schüchter
WAGNER Das Rheingold
Live performance, 1956
Total duration: 2hr 37:32
Wotan - Hans Hotter
Alberich - Gustav Neidlinger
Mime - Paul Kuen
Fasolt - Josef Greindl
Fricka - Georgine von Milinkovic
Bayreuth Festival Chorus and Orchestra
conducted by Hans Knappertsbusch
WAGNER Die Walküre
Live performance, 1956
Total duration: 3hr 50:30
Siegmund - Wolfgang Windgassen
Sieglinde - Gré Brouwenstijn
Wotan - Hans Hotter
Brünnhilde - Astrid Varnay
Hunding - Josef Greindl
conducted by Hans Knappertsbusch
WAGNER Götterdämmerung
Live performance, 1956
Total duration: 4hr 33:28
Brünnhilde - Astrid Varnay
Siegfried - Wolfgang Windgassen
Hagen - Josef Greindl
Alberich - Gustav Neidlinger
Gunther - Hermann Uhde
Gutrune - Gré Brouwenstijn
Bayreuth Festival Chorus and Orchestra
conducted by Hans Knappertsbusch
Studio recording, 1952
Total duration: 66:29
Maria von Ilosvay (contralto)
Frans Kroons (tenor)
Hermann Schey (bass)
Amsterdam Toonkunst Choir
Residentie Orkest den Haag
Willem van Otterloo, conductor