Elisabeth Höngen

Elisabeth Höngen
BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 9 'Choral'
Recorded Berlin, 1942
Total duration: 73:02
Tilla Briem, soprano
Elisabeth Höngen, alto
Peter Anders, tenor
Rudolf Watzke, bass
Bruno Kittel Choir
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler
BEETHOVEN Symphonies 1-9
BEETHOVEN Coriolan Overture
BEETHOVEN Violin Concerto
BEETHOVEN Leonora No. 3 - Overture
Recorded 1942-1954
Erich Röhm, violin
Tilla Briem, soprano
Elisabeth Höngen, alto
Peter Anders, tenor
Rudolf Watzke, bass
Bruno Kittel Choir
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler
Get 6 CDs for the price of 5 when you buy the complete set
Recorded in 1950
Total duration: 3hr 32:13
conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler
Recorded in 1950
Total duration: 3hr 45:1
conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler
Recorded in 1950
Total duration: 4hr 8:09
conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler
BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 9 'Choral'
Recorded in 1956
Total duration: 66:02
Wilma Lipp, soprano
Elisabeth Hoengen, alto
Julius Patzak, tenor
Otto Wiener, bass
Singverein der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, Vienna
Pro Musica Symphony, Vienna (Vienna Symphony Orchestra)
Conductor Jascha Horenstein