Josef Traxel

Josef Traxel

Josef Traxel

1 album
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WAGNER Der Fliegende Holländer

Recorded in stereo in 1955
Total duration: 2hr 20:49

Astrid Varnay
Hermann Uhde
Rudolf Lustig
Bayreuth Festival Chorus and Orchestra
Joseph Keilberth, conductor
Download from €16.00 | Buy on CD from €24.00

WAGNER Das Rheingold

Live performance, 1956
Total duration: 2hr 37:32

Wotan - Hans Hotter
Alberich - Gustav Neidlinger
Mime - Paul Kuen
Fasolt - Josef Greindl
Fricka - Georgine von Milinkovic

Bayreuth Festival Chorus and Orchestra
conducted by Hans Knappertsbusch