"This first performance of the season of "Die Walküre" strengthened the conviction that the Metropolitan's current Ring series was to be a memorable artistic achievement and a public triumph...Once again, one rejoiced that Miss Nilsson's glorious voice was given to a splendid musician and skilled actress who could create for us the Brünnhilde of Wagner's imagination. To many of the younger generation her artistry will bring a new understanding of Wagner.
As for Mr. Vicker's Siegmund, it is the best I have ever encountered... This performance was so inspired that it seemed short." Musical America, 1962
We continue our Leinsdorf Met Ring this week with the second in the cycle, Die Walküre which, as the review excerpts above indicate, was a triumph. In superb sound quality, XR remastered by Andrew Rose for Pristine, it's a surefire hit.
We continue our Leinsdorf Met Ring this week with the second in the cycle, Die Walküre which, as the review excerpts above indicate, was a triumph. In superb sound quality, XR remastered by Andrew Rose for Pristine, it's a surefire hit.