COLLINS conducts Sibelius

Anthony Collins was the first conductor outside of Scandinavia to record the complete Sibelius symphonies - but he didn't stop there. This week we release a smorgasbord of Sibelius from his baton, in recordings made in the 1950s with the London Symphony and Philharmonic orchestras.

You can hear the Pelléas & Mélisande Suite, Night Ride & Sunrise, The Swan of Tuonela, Pohjola’s Daughter, the Karelia Overture and Karelia Suite, all beautifully played and sounding marvellous in superb new Ambient Stereo XR remasters.

COLLINS PROMOTION To celebrate the 130th birthday of conductor Anthony Collins, this week we're offering a 20% discount on all his recordings. Offer runs until 8 September.