GOOSSENS in Cincinnati, Volume 3

This week we complete our series of Goossens conducting the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra with a whirlwind tour of Europe. The disc begins in Norway with the first Peer Gynt Suite by Grieg. We then travel to France for Chabrier's Joyeuse Marche before heading east to Germany for a suite based on Richard Strauss's Der Rosenkavalier as arranged by the Hungarian composer and conductor Antal Doráti.

We complete our musical tour in Italy, on Valentine's Day 1946, with recordings made that day of Respighi's Fountains of Rome and Pines of Rome. As always Mark Obert-Thorn's transfer work is superlative. The first two volumes of this series were ecstatically reviewed - this final disc will surely receive similar acclaim.

We also celebrate the 128th birthday of conductor Dimitri Mitropoulos with a special 10% discount on all his recordings at Pristine all week.